One of the unique things about Kentucky are the numerous covered bridges throughout the state. I've been fortunate to have seen several of these through my travels. Here is an inside look of a few of them.
Colville Covered Bridge in Millersburg, Kentucky
Colville Covered Bridge - by Jessica Blankenship |
Colville Covered Bridge is located along the Colville Pike where it crosses with Hinkston Creek. It is 4 miles northwest of Millersburg, KY and you can drive through the 124 foot span bridge. It was constructed in 1877 and was renovated after flood damaged it in 1997. To get to Colville Bridge, you follow US 68 through Main Street in Paris, Kentucky, going towards Millersburg. Turn left at KY-1893 and go to Colville Road and turn right.
Switzer Covered Bridge in Switzer, Kentucky
Switzer Covered Bridge - by Jessica Blankenship |
The Switzer Bridge once carried KY 1262 across North Elkhorn Creek at Switzer in eastern Franklin county. It is a 120 foot long Howe truss design built in 1855 and restored in 1906 and again in 1990. On March 1, 1997 the bridge was washed away. It is now restored and you can cross it via foot traffic. To get to Switzer Bridge, you can take KY-460 between Georgetown and Frankfort. Turn onto KY-1689 into Switzer. The road will dead end and you will turn right on KY-1262 and come to the covered bridge.
Old Town Bridge - Grayson, Kentucky
The Oldtown Covered Bridge is not far from Grayson, KY. It is off KY-1 as you go north just before the Greenbo Lake State Park. The bridge was built in 1880 and is 192 foot long. It is on the National Register and is closed to car traffic. However, you can walk across the long spanning bridge.
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