I believe that my second home could very well be Nashville, Tennessee. This week I had to make a trip down there for an appointment and decided to do what I love best - sightseeing. Every time I go to visit, I usually end up doing something different. Needless to say there is always something to do when you go down there.
(Click below for photos & more on my adventures)
I was scared for the threat of snow in my hometown, as well as another one. Needless to say I'm glad that we didn't get the several inches of snow the weather folks were predicting. The ride down was pretty easy and sunny outside. Upon arriving to the Tennessee border, I did a pitstop at the rest area and cracked up at the new sign and metal people art they put up.
Tennessee Welcomes You, along with these people... |
It wasn't very long that the infamous "batman building" was in my sights.
Nashville on the horizon |
Before my appointment, I decided to take a quick trip over to see George Jones's grave again. I visited the Possum back in August and they only had the simple headstone marker and a large sign with the drawing of what his monument was to look like. Needless to say, I was floored by the size and beauty of the new memorial. Photos do not do it justice needless to say. They took away the simple headstone and replaced it with a full body size bronze plaque. The large monumental headstone has a jukebox shaped arch with Jones etched on top. On the left is a photo of George, as well as the following saying, "George Glenn Jones was and is "The King of Broken Hearts." He sang of life's hardships and struggles, in a way that somehow lightened our own. His voice was effortless and unforgettable. He brought unsurpassed emotional eloquence to every song he sang. He was and is the soul of country music. No one will ever fill his shoes. He is at rest, but his music is alive and ageless. He gifted it to all of us, to the joyful and broken. Walk Through This World With Me."
George Jones Memorial at Woodlawn Cemetery - by Jessica Blankenship |
George Jones Memorial - by Jessica Blankenship |
George Jones Memorial - by Jessica Blankenship |
In the middle was a guitar as well as the inscription "The Possum" and a photo of he and Nancy Jones. The right side was left empty to save for Nancy Jones. There were two benches on either side of the monument. Flowers adorned in several arrangements around the memorial. You have to see it in person to see the beauty of it.
George Jones Memorial - by Jessica Blankenship |
I went over to my appointment and then I had free time. I decided to travel downtown for a bit and pass by honky tonk row, Broadway. It was fairly empty during the daytime on a week day.

Just down the road was the Music City Center that made the Country Music Hall of Fame look tiny. I meant to get a photo of it, but forgot. While I was downtown, I went to Third Man Records. It has been a bucket list item of mine to go by there. It is owned by Jack White and really neat to see. It is VERY tiny on the inside but a delight. As you walk in on the right, there is a display of vinyl records pressed there on sight. I purchased a Secret Sisters and White Stripes album. In the next room are novelty booths that you use special tokens to play. One is a mold press that makes a plastic guitar as you sit and watch. Another was a monkey band. There was a photo booth, but sadly out of order. There was also a recording booth that you could record your voice, sing, play, whatever. I couldn't think of anything to do so I didn't do it. There were various albums and tshirts on the wall. A glass display case was in the main room with all kinds of trinkets that you could buy. I came out with tokens, a shirt, a sticker, and records to add to my collection.
Jack White's Third Man Records - By Jessica Blankenship |
Molding Machine at Third Man Records |
Just Monkeying Around playing some music |
Strike a Pose Photo Booth |
Third Man Records outside - looks like a secretive society. By Jessica Blankenship |
I ran on over to the Opry Mills Mall and got some Christmas shopping done. I meant to go over to the Opryland hotel, but I didn't want to spend $20 on parking to see Christmas lights.
It was soon dark and I made the trip over to Hendersonville to Twitty City, which is now owned by the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I've been over here many times as a child and the last few years as well. With it being Christmas time, I had to go see how they had it decorated. I was able to get a couple of photos of the house that Conway Twitty once lived in. One thing I did notice was that there were not a lot of the light up figurines as in the past. There was a small nativity scene but I forgot to get a photo of it. It was still a beautiful sight to see and made me reflect on listening to the "Merry Twismas" album. (
Read my blog about that album here)
Twitty City lit up for Christmas - by Jessica Blankenship |
I went to my hotel and spent the night. The next day I met up with one of my dear friends, Jason (aka Rowdy), for lunch at Loveless Cafe. I love the real true southern hospitality that I always get at Loveless Cafe. They have the best biscuits and strawberry jam. Needless to say, it was a good visit and good food.
Loveless Cafe - Well worth the 4 hour drive for their biscuits & jam! By Jessica Blankenship |
Afterwards, I journeyed back to my ole Kentucky home. It is always nice to get to visit the town